I cant begin to tell you as a photographer how often I hear, “ I want to book a session after I lose 5 more pounds,” or “I would love to surprise my significant other with a sexy boudoir shoot after I lose my pooch,” or my personal favorite, “Can you make me look thinner in my photo’s”. But I have a news flash for everyone… The people in your life LOVE you just the way YOU are! It’s time to stop contemplating on how you wish you did look and let go of those insecurities, because you are simply missing out on life obsessing over small flaws letting documented memories slip away.   

I get it. I promise I really do. I have never by any means been an incredibly fit person. In high school I was beyond teased for my physical appearance, I was embarrassed and I lacked confidence as who I was because of it. Looking back I feel like I missed out so much because I was so worried about what other people thought about me.

I had this incredible epiphany about 2 years ago when I got excited and interested in photographing boudoir. I was photographing these BEAUTIFUL women of all shapes and sizes and they were all so unique and different, but the one thing they all had in common was confidence. I saw just how empowering that confidence made them feel, during their session and after looking through their images and I decided I wanted that kind of confidence for myself!

Other people always see the most beautiful parts about us they don’t see all the flaws we do. It’s easier said than done to just let those insecurities slip away and see ourself the way others do, but I promise there is power in that kind of confidence.

When we look at photographs of our friends and loved ones all we see is the hugs, smiles, laughs and beautiful candid moments. But when we see those images of ourselves we obsess over the smallest flaws instead of appreciating that captured moment with those people we love most. The people who love us most wont care about our size and probably wont even notice the things we are insecure about. Love is blind and with it we see people not flaws and imperfections. So why cant we see ourselves from that point of view.

I ran across the most real blog post by another photographer who said it way better than I could:

“Here is the harsh truth. Listen good. Our vanity is no longer enough of a reason to avoid the camera. Life doesn’t wait until you “get thin” enough to capture it. Life is happening… Its happening right now and the only moment we are guaranteed is the one we are living.  Can we agree to put the value of family over fat? Can we just acknowledge that the insecurities  we have in our heads will NEVER be a part of how our children, husbands, and friends see us? Can we please just let our loved ones remember the YOU they love?” -Teresa Porter (https://myfriendteresa.com/)

That being said, I get it! You’re thinking “Sarah that all sounds fine and dandy, but I still want to look my best, confident or not.” Well guess what!? Me along with so many other photographers understand and we do know some insider secrets when it comes to lighting, posing, and outfit choices to photograph you at your absolute best. So stop the obsessing and the worrying. I want you to show up for your session confident and excited and leave those pesky insecurities to me. Let go and have fun I KNOW you are going to regret so strongly not having any photo’s of you with your loved ones by letting your insecurities get the better of you.    

 Let go and have fun I KNOW you are going to regret so strongly not having any photo’s of you with your loved ones by letting your insecurities get the better of you.